Frequenlty Asked Question

General FAQ’s

  • Getting Started
  • Grocery Delivery & Pickup
  • Account Management
  • Preferences & Personalization
  • Recipes & Cooking
  • Meal Plans
  • Grocery List
Where Do I Find DishQuo?
Can this be downloaded outside of US?
What version of IOS should I have to be able to download your APP?
Do you offer a free trial?
Walmart/Instacart is not helpful, I have an issue with my delivery can you help?
I hate wasting food, how does DishQuo help me avoid this?
What grocery stores can I choose from when checking out?
I’m not a fan of one of the meals that was added to my weekly plan, can I swap it out?
I just love the pancakes I made. How can I be sure they make it onto my meal plan more often?
I have plans to eat out on Friday night. How can I log that meal into DishQuo?
I'm having friends over for dinner. Can I add them onto my meal plan?
Can I use DishQuo on my computer?
I accidentally selected my food preferences incorrectly, where do I change these?
I don’t like to cook every day... Can I cook a larger portion of one meal and repeat it over several days?
I wasn’t a fan of a recipe that I made for dinner tonight...How can I let you know?
I have several food allegies. Is the DishQuo meal planning app a good fit for me?
My kids are picky eaters. Does DishQuo have anything that they will eat?

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Organize your recipes, meal plan, grocery shop, and more with DishQuo.

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