Why Giving Clients a One-Size-Fits-All Approach Doesn’t Work Anymore

by | Apr 5, 2023

Why Giving Clients a One-Size-Fits-All Approach Doesn’t Work Anymore

The demand for personalized meals has increased exponentially as people slowly become aware of and prioritize their holistic well-being. Gone are the days when clients try random diet plans that claim to be one size fits all. 

The personalized nutrition market is staged for a remarkable increase from a market value of 11.3 billion USD in 2022 to a predicted rate of 22.3 billion USD by 2027. Customers are now attracted to personalized nutrition as it derives accurate nutrition strategies and leverages and promotes optimized health for each person.

As a nutritionist or diet strategist, you must provide help to several different individuals with different lifestyles, preferences, and body types. In a sea of information on the internet regarding what to eat and how to eat, how can you give high-quality and reliable advice to your clients?

The answer to that is DishQuo. A meal planning and customizing app that helps you efficiently and meticulously plan and cater to your client’s needs to help them reach their final goal. This article will walk you through the importance of personalized meals and how you can build that as a nutritionist with the support of DishQuo. 

The Importance of Personalized Nutrition for Clients

The Importance of Personalized Nutrition for Clients

When it comes to the body’s responses to food, everyone is different. People understand that eating food that works best for them, instead of a fad diet, can help them reach their health and weight goals and caters to their long-term well-being. 

According to a study, nearly 66% of people wish to go on a diet but are confused by the amount of polarizing information in the market. A personalized plan ensures that the diet they follow will work for them without spending hours in research. To that end, let’s understand the importance of personalized nutrition below:

  • Considers Food Intolerance and Allergies 

Personalized nutrition keeps in mind any food allergies, intolerances, and preferences your client might have and suggests nutritious alternatives to those food items. As a nutritionist, it takes a long time to come up with a customized meal plan manually when keeping in check all these considerations. A meal planning software eliminates this research, saving you an ample amount of time.

  • Aids in Accommodating their Lifestyle

Many factors, like accommodating their food budget and the amount of time and energy an individual puts into cooking, need to be factored in while coming up with a personalized nutrition meal plan. Some of your clients may have a very busy schedule and cannot go grocery shopping often.

At times like these, having access to an easy-to-put-together meal that provides them with all the important nutrients becomes a boon. 

  • Better Adherence to Diet Plans 

One of the biggest reasons people drop out of dieting is because it becomes too repetitive and difficult to keep up with. By considering the food preferences of your clients, DishQuo’s algorithm suggests and includes new foods in your clients’ meal plans that they will enjoy cooking and eating.

Customizing their meal with an option of interchanging dishes helps clients break the cycle of repetition and discourages forceful eating. Personalized plans also help your clients enjoy their meals better, helps them adhere to the plan longer, and increase customer satisfaction.

How DishQuo Can Help

DishQuo encourages holistic thinking when it comes to food. By pairing science and technology, we aim to redefine what a healthy diet should look like. Our personalized meal-planning software helps nutritionists and diet professionals create elaborate and customizable nutrition plans for clients easily. 

By offering over 3000 dishes with under 30 minutes of prep time, we ensure your clients are always likely to follow through with the diet. 

Our algorithm also offers several dietary preference options like gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, vegan, kid-friendly, prediabetes nutrition, and gestational diabetes nutrition options. 

With DishQuo, nutrition professionals have observed an approximately 70% increase in client retention rates. Offering so many lucrative options, this is a handy tool that nutrition professionals can use to better formulate their clients’ meal plans with minimal active labour.

Benefits of Adopting DishQuo’s Personalized Meal Planning Software 


Benefits of Adopting DishQuo’s Personalized Meal Planning Software

Personalized meal planning software helps nutrition professionals reduce the time they spend on meal planning for their clients by half. Our software for nutrition professionals provides increased efficiency, improved client satisfaction, and business growth.

Other benefits include offering budget-friendly meals that save customers up to $25 per week and up to 5 hours of active labour. With such lucrative and customizable options to personalize their meal plan, DishQuo’s software can help nutrition professionals streamline their business operations, get more clients, and increase revenue efficiently.

Wrapping Up

Personalized meal planning software like DishQuo is a tool that nutrition professionals can incorporate into their daily practice to have streamlined business growth. Besides helping professionals create extensive meal plans for clients, including their preferences and restrictions, it also motivates your clients to stay on track.

DisQuo believes that a holistic focus on health and shared accountability is the way to build a healthy lifestyle. Do you wish to improve your client outcomes, streamline your business operations, and stay ahead of the competition? Opt for DishQuo’s advanced meal-planning software now and see your business soar. 



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