Top 5 Foods That Cause Blood Sugar Spikes

by | Oct 21, 2021

When you have diabetes, blood sugar spikes are one of your mortal enemies. It’s what we all want to avoid at all costs because it causes insulin levels to rise, which then leads to lower insulin sensitivity. This means that you have to be especially careful when it comes to your food intake and we know how confusing it all can be if you don’t pay close attention to what you are putting into your body.

To make your journey to healthy eating easier, we’ve rounded up the top 5 foods that you should avoid to have better control of your blood sugar and insulin levels and we will provide a detailed breakdown within this article.

1. White grains

White grains

White grains, such as white rice, pasta, and bread are all simple carbs. This means that their fiber content has already been stripped down to the bare minimum within the processing and manufacturing stage. In fact, the lack of fiber is one of the leading causes of unwanted glucose spikes when consuming a meal and many people don’t realize this. Eating high fiber foods is important because it helps in slowing down the digestion process, therefore, also slowing down the rise of blood sugar and insulin levels!

Next time you are looking to consume your favorite white grain, consider eating these instead; lentil pasta, sourdough bread, brown or black rice. These options will help you feel sustained for a longer period of time, will provide additional nutrients that white starchy carbohydrates are unable to offer, and will assist in keeping your insulin and blood sugar level at a steady level.

2. Sugary drinks & sweetened beverages

Sugary drinks & sweetened beverages

Have you ever heard of the saying that you shouldn’t drink your calories? Sugary drinks, such as but not limited to, sweetened iced tea, lemonade, soda, or even fruit juices don’t contain any fat, protein, or fiber, which are key nutrients in slowing down the digestion and absorption processes. Drinking sugary beverages will immediately release sugar into your bloodstream, causing a steep spike due to their high glycemic load! It is also important to mention that these beverages do not offer the body any nutritional value in being consumed.
Instead of high fructose beverages, consider consuming water, black coffee, unsweetened plant milk, or even club soda.

3. Breakfast cereals with added sugar

Breakfast cereals with added sugar

Cereals are a breakfast staple because they’re so easy to prepare, especially when you’re constantly in a morning rush! But did you know many of the cereals that are available in the supermarket are actually filled with added sugar and sweeteners? When shopping for cereal for your family, make sure to check the nutrition label before you buy a product so that you can ensure that you are avoiding one that is loaded with sugar.
The next time you reach for your favorite box of sugary cereal, consider a sugar-free variety, oat bran, sprouted grain cereal, or a steel-cut oatmeal hot cereal.

4. Overly ripe fruits

Overly ripe fruits

Believe it or not, some of your favorite fruits can also cause a blood sugar spike. Many fruits such as pineapple, watermelon, overly ripe mangoes and bananas are considered some of the most popular culprits. This doesn’t mean you can’t ever eat fruits, it just means that you should be aware of their impact on someone with a reason to watch their sugar intake. When taking into consideration the type of fruit you want to consume, it is important to note that it all really depends on how ripe the fruit is and what you pair it with! As a rule of thumb, be sure to stick to fruits with a GI level of 50 and below!

The next time you reach for a fruit with a high GI such as watermelon or a banana, consider berries, plums, or a banana that is really green and nowhere near being ripe.

5. Starchy Vegetables

Starchy Vegetables

There’s really such a thing as too much of a good thing and that is especially true when it comes to consuming starchy vegetables! These types of vegetables contain a lot of carbs, which can cause a faster rise in your glucose levels than when eating non-starchy veggies! So, it is important to try to limit your intake of vegetables that are grown within the ground such as but not limited to white potatoes, carrots, beets, and corn. Consider sticking to vegetables such as broccoli, cucumber, cauliflower, tomatoes, and others that are going to weighted less in the carbohydrates department. To learn more about foods that cause blood sugar spikes, and ideas for meals, and tips on how to prepare delicious and easy meals, join DishQuo. Stay tuned on our social media channels for more tips and information about how to live a healthier lifestyle.

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