Top 10 Foods For Diabetics

by | Dec 22, 2021

DishQuo’s top 10 foods for diabetics help stabilize insulin levels. Eating for healthy insulin levels is crucial for diabetics, but the following list of the best foods for diabetics is much more extensive. We include foods that support the whole body and may help prevent additional complications from type 2 diabetes. 

These 10 diabetic friendly foods are found in the hundreds of recipes on the DishQuo meal planning app. Get the first two weeks of your diabetic friendly meal plan free.  

foods for diabetics1. Dark Leafy Greens 

Eat dark leafy greens like kale, spinach and collard greens every day. These greens are higher in fiber and nutrients compared to romaine and iceberg lettuce. High fiber foods help slow the rate of food absorption into the bloodstream. This helps prevent spikes in blood sugar. Dark leafy greens are high in polyphenols, an antioxidant believed to also help manage blood sugar regulation. 

Dark leafy greens can be enjoyed both raw and cooked. There are plenty of ways to easily add them into your daily diet. Chop fine and mix into scrambled eggs, soups and baked dishes. Greens can also be enjoyed as salads, sprinkled with nuts and seeds. 

2. Omega 3 Fatty Fish

Salmon is well known for high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are a healthy source of fat important in brain and cardiovascular health.  

Other great options for fish are sardines, cod, herring, Atlantic Mackerel and trout. According to the CDC, people with type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of cardiovascular issues. Eating fish high in omega 3 fatty acids at least twice a week is recommended by the American Heart Association for heart health. 

3. Whole Eggs

The American Diabetes Association recommends eating whole eggs, yolks included, as part of a healthy diet for those with diabetes. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which helps keep blood sugar levels low. Eggs are higher in cholesterol, so keep your egg intake to no more than 12 a week.  

Diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition that causes blurred vision and sight loss in those with diabetes. Egg yolks also contain lutein, an important nutrient for healthy eyesight and brain health. Enjoying eggs a few times a week is a great choice for those with type 2 diabetes. 

4. Berries 

Fruit does contain sugar; however, it should be a part of a healthy meal plan for diabetics. Blueberries, strawberries and blackberries contain low levels of sugar compared to other fruits with high levels of antioxidants and fiber. Antioxidants help fight inflammation, an important factor for anyone living with a chronic disease like type 2 diabetes.  

Enjoy berries alongside a healthy protein, like eggs, to slow the rate of sugar being absorbed into your bloodstream.  

5. Broccoli 

Non-starchy vegetables are a great choice for managing type 2 diabetes. Research shows that broccoli may be especially powerful in lowering glucose levels. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a compound that has shown to improve glucose tolerance in rats. While more research needs to be done to prove its effectiveness in humans, eating more broccoli can’t hurt.  

Other great non-starchy vegetables to include in your diabetic friendly diet are artichoke, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cucumbers, tomatoes and onion. Eat broccoli at least 3 times a week and other non-starchy vegetables daily. All non-starchy vegetables are low in carbohydrates and high in nutrients and fiber which is an excellent combination for diabetics. 

6. Turmeric

Turmeric is used widely around the world for its anti-inflammatory compound curcumin.  Inflammation is a major factor in diabetes, like all chronic diseases. Turmeric is sold as a supplement but can easily be added into your diabetic friendly meal plan. Sprinkle turmeric into scrambled eggs, soups and lean proteins. The DishQuo meal plan includes turmeric in many of its recipes, even smoothies.  

7. Walnuts 

Small amounts of nuts can be enjoyed on a healthy meal plan for diabetics. Nuts contain fiber, protein and fat, all slowing the rate of absorption into the bloodstream.  

Walnuts especially are great because of their high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids. Other great nut choices for diabetics are almonds and Brazil nuts. Finely chopped nuts add a boost of flavor to vegetables and salads. Eat a handful alongside your berries for an easy snack or dessert. 

8. Quinoa 

Superfood quinoa has many benefits for diabetics. Quinoa is a whole grain high in fiber and protein. Quinoa is very versatile and can be used in place of rice. White rice has minimal fiber and a high glycemic index—not great when you’re trying to manage blood sugar levels. Swapping out white rice for quinoa is an easy change.

Quinoa can also be used in baking and as a breakfast porridge. Trying multiple colors of quinoa adds another layer of variety to your diet. Quinoa comes in red, black and yellow. 

9. Seeds

Like nuts, seeds are a great addition to a diabetics diet. Chia and flax seeds are high in omega 3 fatty acids, fiber and protein. Sprinkling seeds on top of salads is an easy way to add a boost of nutrition to your diet.  

Blend chia and flax seeds into smoothies without altering the flavor, but adding the protein benefits. Other great seeds to try are sunflower seeds and pepitas. 

10. Legumes 

Legumes are a healthy, starchy food choice for diabetics. Starchy foods are often not recommended for diabetics due to the higher glycemic index. Legumes, however, contain lean protein and soluble fiber. This macronutrient combination makes it a slow absorbing and digesting food.  

Soak and cook dried beans or use unsalted canned beans while cooking. Add a variety of legumes like kidney beans, white beans, chickpeas and lentils. Season with herbs and garlic for a low sodium, flavorful dish. Legumes can easily be added into soups, stews and baked dishes. Blend legumes into a creamy dip served with non-starchy vegetables for a healthy snack. 


The DishQuo meal planning app has hundreds of recipes with these top 10 foods for diabetics. If you’re looking for guidance on adding these foods into your diet, try DishQuo meal app for free.  

Still curious on ways to better control your blood sugar and insulin levels? We’ve also compiled the top 5 foods that cause blood sugar spikes.

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