How Insulin Sensitivity Can Help You Lose Weight

by | Sep 2, 2021

When we talk about weight loss, what usually comes to mind is cutting calories, making better food choices, and exercising– all of which are important in any fitness journey, but there’s one key factor that’s missing: taking into account insulin sensitivity.

So today, we’re talking about the whats, whys, and hows of this often neglected, but integral key in the grand formula of weight loss.

What is insulin sensitivity?

It’s pretty simple. Insulin sensitivity refers to how your body responds to insulin. The higher your sensitivity, the more efficient your body is when it comes to processing food. This means you’re at a lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and all the risk factors that come with having high insulin levels.

So, what are the factors affecting insulin sensitivity? It has a lot to do with the kind of lifestyle you lead— from your body fat percentage, activity level, and food choices to your daily habits. Of course, leading a sedentary lifestyle, eating food with added sugars, and having an elevated body fat percentage contribute to having lower sensitivity. Still, it’s never too late to reverse that.

Why do you need to pay closer attention to insulin sensitivity

Insulin Sensitivity

We already discussed what insulin sensitivity is and how it affects how you process what you eat. Now, let’s talk about why you need to pay closer attention to it!

Insulin sensitivity basically means you need less insulin to process food. Insulin resistance on the other hand means you have become resistant to insulin, forcing your body to create more insulin to process your food correctly or in more extreme cases need to inject insulin because your body can’t naturally meet the demand of insulin.

You don’t have to be diagnosed with diabetes to be a little insulin resistant. Actually, according to the CDC approximately 1 in 3 Americans are prediabetic and don’t even know it. Prolonged insulin resistance can lead to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, various heart diseases, high blood pressure, and other chronic conditions over time. It can also make it very difficult to lose weight unless you treat the root of the problem which is not glucose abundance but your insulin sensitivity level.

If you want to lose weight and be truly free from the cycle of insulin resistance and fat storage you need to improve your insulin sensitivity. The good news for you is that we know just how you can do that!

How to increase your insulin sensitivity

Well, the simplest solution to this is having a great meal plan and exercise routine. The harder part is creating it, but with the DishQuo meal planning app , it really doesn’t have to be! To keep it simple, here’s a checklist to help you improve your sensitivity:

  • Create an insulin-based meal plan
  • Do an active workout at least 30 minutes every day
  • Develop healthier habits
  • Meditate every morning

Fitness boils down to 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. Let DishQuo do the heavy lifting and help you out on the meal planning. We have the secret formula that will help you create meal plans based on your health and fitness goals, but the best part is that we make the entire process enjoyable and convenient for you!

Our app has an algorithm that will auto-generate meal plans, consolidate your grocery list with an easy add-to-cart feature, and deliver it right to your doorstep. We also post tips and information that will help ease your journey, which you can access in just a few taps!

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