Here Are Four Meditation Exercises You Need To Do To Live A Better Life

by | Sep 2, 2021

Imagine this: You’re sitting in a tranquil environment, eyes closed, hands on your lap, with no negative thoughts to cloud your mind, and you’re completely in tune with your body. Sounds like the perfect scenario, doesn’t it?

The art of meditation goes way back thousands of years. But in today’s hectic world, many people struggle to do it properly and that is why it is called a practice. However, this is something that we believe is essential to living a better life.

Going beyond the mental aspect of reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, meditation is proven to also lower blood pressure levels, improve your sleep quality, and help you become more mindful with how you life your life. All of this can aid you in your journey to holistic wellness.

There are plenty of kinds of meditation exercises, but we’ve rounded up four that you can easily do if you’re just starting to dip your toes into it for the first time!

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation

Living in a busy world, while fun, can also be exhausting. There are so many things all happening at the same time that you start to forget to check in on yourself. Mindfulness meditation can help you with that.

This meditation practice is a mental training that helps you slow down your racing thoughts and teaches you to be in tune with your body and be more present ‘in the now.’ Through this practice, you will be able to view your thoughts and emotions without judgment.

The meditation practice teaches you to slow down and enjoy the slower moments in life. Once you start being more mindful about your thoughts and actions, you’ll find it easier to make decisions— may it be about career, life, or even the kinds of food you eat.

Affirmation Meditation

Affirmation Meditation

Worried about a tough day ahead? You’ll be surprised how easily you can shift your mindset by doing affirmation meditations. Sometimes, the only thing you really need is self-empowerment!

This type of meditation is the practice of positive thinking. By practicing this type of meditation, you’ll encourage and remind yourself about your capabilities and the positives aspects of your life on a daily basis. You will also spend time on gratitude which will help to change your outlook. You will find that it is a very empowering practice. Affirmation meditation is all about reinforcing positive thoughts in your mind and allowing them to consume your awareness so they can manifest changes in your thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

It’s so easy for you to cheer on others. Why not do it for yourself?

Visualization Meditation

Visualization Meditation

Ahh, possibly one of our favorite meditation methods! This is perfect for those who struggle to clear their thoughts! Visualization is all about imagining positive images and scenarios in your head that raise your overall vibration and mood.

Let’s do a quick practice now! Close your eyes and imagine yourself succeeding in your goals and living the life of your dreams, whatever they may be— be as detailed as possible and focus on how you feel when you finally achieve that goal.

Improves your mood, doesn’t it? Try practicing this every day and notice how these visualizations slowly manifest into your physical reality.

Movement Meditation

Movement Meditation

If you’re one of those who can’t sit still, this method is perfect for you! Movement Meditation is about being slow, mindful, and purposeful with your movements. It can be as simple as slowly moving your fingers, taking a walk, or even doing some stretching. The important thing to remember is to take it slow and let your mind focus on your movements and how you feel.

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