Don’t Just Lose Weight, Sustain It

by | Aug 31, 2021

The statistics on dieting are enough to discourage anyone’s weight loss journey. Did you know that almost 90% of people who lose a significant amount of weight end up gaining it all back? It turns out that losing weight is tough, but sustaining it may be almost impossible.

That’s because many traditional weight loss plans rely heavily on willpower. Most diets end up causing lean body mass losses that damage our metabolism through calorie restriction.

How You Can Beat the Odds

Fortunately, newer research points to a smarter approach to weight loss. At the center of the equation is an essential hormone called insulin. Before you jump on another fad diet, explore the mechanisms that may have undermined your efforts in the past. The time has come to heal your body instead of harming it by taking advantage of the science behind DishQuo.

How Did We Get Here?

In terms of human evolution, it’s not a stretch to say that the obesity epidemic has skyrocketed over a very short time. Many experts believe insulin resistance is an underlying contributor to the increasing rates of global obesity. Changes to our food production system and lifestyle habits have contributed to an insidious problem that seems to override natural weight control.

No discussion about body weight would be complete without at least a mention of the hormone insulin. Highly processed foods tend to be higher in saturated fats and sugar, two known insulin resistance drivers.

Is Insulin Resistance Impacting Your Weight Behind the Scenes?

Insulin plays multiple essential roles in metabolism, including the biochemical pathways involved in energy uptake and utilization. There’s increasing interest in the idea that weight loss initiatives focused on normalizing insulin levels can help attack obesity at its root cause.

The issue of insulin resistance is a two-way street. The habits that cause insulin resistance overlap with those responsible for gaining weight (such as a sedentary lifestyle and overeating). Once excess fat is gained, the adipose tissue cells promote hormonal shifts that favor insulin resistance. This self-perpetuating cycle makes weight loss particularly challenging.

When our cells become resistant to insulin, they stop responding to the signal that blood sugars are too high. Instead, the pancreas pumps out more insulin. Chronically high blood sugar causes even higher levels of circulating insulin (hyperinsulinemia).

The combination of high blood sugar and hyperinsulinemia produces inflammation and creates cumulative damage throughout the body. Unfortunately, hyperinsulinemia is not always apparent since conventional preventative care focuses on blood sugar measurements alone. Rather than waiting until it’s too late, taking steps to optimize your body’s use of insulin now has major implications in your ability to lose weight and maintain good health.

Let DishQuo Handle the Science for You

Sustaining a healthy weight is about finding habits that you can stick to. Since we can’t choose our genetics, our daily choices are the best chance to influence our health outcomes. When diet programs ask you to spend hours in the kitchen, record every detail of your food, or exercise for countless hours on end, it’s safe to assume that you won’t benefit from the plan long-term because you’ll end up quitting. When healthy eating includes the foods you love and enjoy, staying the course is a no-brainer.

Let DishQuo take care of the details while you sit back and savor your meal.

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