7 Low Glycemix Index Fruits for Diabetics

by | Jun 28, 2022

If you have diabetes, you know that keeping your blood sugar levels stable is essential for your health. One way to do this is to eat foods that have a low glycemic index. This means that the food doesn’t cause a spike in blood sugar levels after eating it. Here are seven fruits that have a low glycemic index and are perfect for diabetics!

How does fruit impact blood sugar for people with diabetes?

For people with diabetes, fruit can have a significant impact on blood sugar levels. When fruit is digested, the body breaks down the sugars into glucose and fructose. The glucose is then absorbed into the bloodstream, raising blood sugar levels. The fructose, on the other hand, is slowly metabolized by the liver and does not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. As a result, fruit is a good choice for people with diabetes who are looking to manage their blood sugar levels.

However, it is important to note that some fruits are higher in sugar than others.  Fruit also contains fiber, which helps slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and creates healthy digestion.

What are the best fruits for diabetics?

Low Glycemix Index Fruits for Diabetics

When it comes to diabetes, one of the most important things to consider is maintaining a low glycemic diet. For diabetics, low glycemic fruit can be an excellent way to get the nutrients and vitamins that your body needs without spiking your blood sugar. In addition, low glycemic fruits are packed with antioxidants, which help the body fight free radicals that can cause inflammation and other health issues. Whether you’re looking for a simple snack or an addition to your meal, low glycemic fruit is one of the best choices for diabetics.

Here are 7 low GI fruits for Diabetics.  They all have a low GI score of below 55.

  1. Apples – especially Granny Smith and Braeburn
  2. Blackberries
  3. Cherries
  4. Grapefruit
  5. Oranges
  6. Strawberries
  7. Pears


What fruit should be avoided for diabetics?

For diabetics, it is important to avoid fruit that is high on the glycemic index. The glycemic index is a measure of how much a food increases blood sugar levels. Foods with a high glycemic index can cause spikes in blood sugar, which can be dangerous for diabetics.  High GI fruits have a score of 60 and above.  Diabetics may want to avoid or limit fruits such as bananas, watermelon, raisins and fruit juices.

5 Ways to Include Fruit in a Diabetic Friendly Diet

Fruits for Diabetics

Combining fruit with healthy fats and protein will help slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream.  Here are 5 diabetic friendly ways to enjoy fruit.

  1. Add fruit to Greek Yogurt and nuts for a parfait.
  2. Smoothies and smoothie bowls.
  3. Fresh fruit popsicles.
  4. Top toast with fruit and a nut spread.
  5. Add fresh berries into a summer salad.

If you’re diabetic, you know that maintaining blood sugar levels is key to keeping your health on track. While there are many foods to avoid, there are also plenty of low glycemic index fruits that can help keep your blood sugar stable. Sign up for 2 weeks free of our meal planning  service and start enjoying delicious, healthy meals that fit into your diabetes diet plan. With DishQuo, eating well has never been easier – or more affordable!

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