7 Clean Eating Tips While Traveling

by | Aug 16, 2022

Are you gearing up for a summer vacation but dreading unhealthy road food? Don’t worry, we’ve got seven tips for clean eating while traveling.   You’ll be able to stick to your healthy diet no matter where you are. From packing snacks to scouting out healthy restaurants, we’ve got all the tips you need to stay on track. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your next vacation today!

  1. Bring healthy snacks and drinks with you

Clean eating tips

One clean eating tip to follow when traveling is to bring along healthy snacks and drinks. This will help you avoid eating unhealthy options while on the go. Some healthy snack options include fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. You can also bring along healthy drinks such as water, herbal tea, or freshly squeezed juice.

  1. Plan ahead – look up restaurants online that offer healthy menu options

healthy menu options

When traveling to a new city, plan ahead and look up restaurants that offer clean eating options. This way, you’ll know exactly where to go and what to order when you’re feeling hungry. Not only will this save you time and hassle, but it’ll also help you make better choices for your health. There are plenty of clean eating resources available online.  So take advantage of them before your next trip!

  1. Stick with simple meals when ordering at a restaurant

healthy menu options

When traveling, stick with simple meals when ordering at a restaurant. When you’re on the go, it can be tempting to indulge in greasy or processed foods. Yet, these foods leave you feeling sluggish and contribute to health problems like diabetes and weight gain.

Instead, opt for simple meals with fresh, whole ingredients. Grilled chicken or fish, a salad, or a veggie-packed omelet are great options. You’ll feel better after eating these meals and they’ll give your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

  1. Avoid buffets – it’s too easy to overindulge when you have so many choices in front of you

Avoid buffets

While buffets are an easy way to get a lot of food for a low price, they can actually be quite dangerous for your diet. When you have an all-you-can-eat buffet in front of you, it’s very easy to overindulge. Often, you’ll end up eating more than you would if you had made a single choice.

For clean eaters, buffets can be a real challenge. There are a few things you can do to avoid overindulging. First, try to stick to healthy choices that you know won’t sabotage your diet. Second, take small portions or sample a little bit of everything to avoid overdoing it. Finally, don’t go back for seconds unless you’re really still hungry. By following these tips, you can enjoy the occasional buffet without ruining your clean eating habits.

  1. Be mindful of portions – share meals or divide portions for a meal later on

mindful of portions

Be mindful of portions.  When you’re on the go, it can be easy to eat whatever is available or fall into the trap of overeating. To avoid this, be mindful of portions and try to share meals or divide portions for a meal later on.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for modifications – most restaurants can make adjustments for your dietary needs

adjustments for your dietary needs

Most restaurants are happy to make adjustments to accommodate your dietary needs. Whether you’re looking for a healthier option or have allergies-just ask.   You can request for your salad to be made without croutons.  Or request that oil and vinegar be used instead of a cream-based dressing.  When it comes to entrees, find a healthier version by asking the to hold the heavy sauces. So next time you’re on vacation, don’t be afraid to speak up and clean up your meal!

  1. Shop at grocery stores for healthy picnic meals

grocery stores

One clean eating tip while traveling is to shop at grocery stores for picnic meals.   Stock up on healthy snacks and easy-to-prepare foods.  Create nutritious picnics that keep you satisfied during your travels and help you save money. Look for items like fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, yogurt, nuts, and trail mix. These clean eating staples will satisfy hunger without resorting to unhealthy junk food. So next time you’re packing for a road trip, remember to include a stop at the grocery store on your itinerary.

Ready to make some simple changes that will help you stay on track while traveling? Sign up for 2 weeks free of our meal planning service, DishQuo. We’ll send you a customized menu each week based on your dietary restrictions and preferences, along with grocery lists and recipes. What are you waiting for?


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