5 Ways to have More Food Freedom

by | Oct 12, 2021

What Does Food Freedom Look Like?

Healthy living isn’t only about what we eat, but our mindset around it. Having freedom around food creates a long term sustainable lifestyle. If food choices stress you out or bring you no joy, keep reading. Let’s cover what food freedom looks like day in and day out.

Judgement Free Mealtime

Judgement Free Mealtime

Stressing over food options is exhausting and time consuming. In your kitchen, you have control over what you’re eating. But how do you react when meeting friends at a restaurant or eating at a party? Obsessing over food choices in these environments takes us out of the moment. Focus on the people and experience first, then the food.

Eating at new restaurants is an adventure! It’s an opportunity to experience new foods you haven’t tried before. Reframing the mealtime experience reduces stress and increases your enjoyment. If you want to check out options before going, it’s easy to do. Most restaurants have online menus and reviews. Calling ahead to ask about gluten free and vegan options is always acceptable.

If you’re invited to a friend’s home for dinner, offer to bring a dish you’ll enjoy. Letting a host know of any serious food avoidances is ok too. Most people want to serve food that everyone will enjoy eating. Above all, focus more on the people sharing the meal than the meal itself.

Enjoy Fav Foods

Enjoy Fav Foods

Increase food freedom by keeping foods you enjoy at home. When we’re afraid of food, keeping it out of the kitchen seems like a good idea. Out of sight, out of mind. But what happens if you’re confronted with the same ice cream at a party you forbid from coming into your home? This behavior triggers binge eating and shame follows. Long term, this mindset causes more harm than good for our health and wellbeing.

A kitchen stocked with healthy options is wise and sets you up for success. Forbidding foods that bring joy limit your long term sustainable lifestyle. Start with one food you love, buy it and bring it home. When you eat it, let yourself enjoy it. Turn off other distractions and focus on the food. Listen to your body when you feel satisfied and finish up. If thoughts of guilt or shame begin to emerge, refocus back onto the enjoyment and gratitude for the food.

Once you’ve gained freedom with that food in your home, add another, one at a time. Increasing your capacity to enjoy these foods guilt free expands your food freedom.

Stay Consistent

Stay Consistent

Are you super focused during the week on your meal plan and then party Friday night through Sunday? Only to find yourself “trying to get back on track” Monday morning? Staying consistent is key to long term lifestyle change.

Allowing yourself treats isn’t the problem. A mindset of “being good” during the week then “letting go” on the weekend is. This creates an atmosphere of unhealthy control/ binge around food.

Enjoy occasional treats during the week to maintain consistency. Doing this avoids an all or nothing mentality. Dishquo app helps build consistent healthy meals throughout the week and weekend. When you eat out or join a party, opt out of that meal then jump right back in for the next meal guilt free.

Permission to Eat All Food

Permission to Eat All Food

Ask yourself “what sounds good?” instead of “what am I allowed to eat?”. Dishquo meal app is customizable to remove foods like gluten, dairy and meat. But give yourself permission to eat all foods if your body allows it.

Removing gluten is a must if you have celiac disease or gluten intolerance. If that’s not you, don’t feel the need to lump gluten into a “off limits” food category. The same can be for any food type or group. A well rounded diet increases satisfaction, reduces nutritional deficiency and increases sustainability.

Listen To Your Body

5 Ways to have More Food Freedom 5

Eat when you’re hungry, not at the “correct time”. Follow your body’s cues of hunger, thirst and nutritional craving . Listening to your body creates freedom, increased awareness and relationship with your body. By tuning in, you’ll grow in confidence to what your body needs leading to increased food freedom.

You don’t have to live with stress, strain and worry over food. Freedom awaits you and is achievable with consistent practice. Practice these tips and you’re sure to see your food freedom grow.

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