4 Tips for Building Healthy Habits in 2022 with DishQuo CEO and Founder, Marcos Rojas

by | Jan 19, 2022

New Year’s resolutions are great for making 2022 a healthy year. But for long-term success, building real, lasting habits make your resolutions a reality.  

DishQuo’s Founder and CEO, Marcos Rojas, shares his keys on how to make a healthy lifestyle a priority. “Strong habits performed consistently are the building blocks to moving towards your health and fitness goals. Focus on building habits first then you’ll achieve your goals,” says Rojas. Speaking with experience and expertise, Rojas gives practical advice that establishes healthy habits that last.

Marcos Quote

4 Keys to Building Healthy Habits

1. Make It Easy

“The secret to building strong habits is making it easy for yourself. How can you make the good habit easy and the bad habit hard to do? The easier it is, the more consistent you’ll be. 

For example, instead of researching how to eat healthier and hit your goals, finding recipes you like, making the grocery list and finally shopping for that grocery list, let someone else do it for you. Whew! Just thinking of all that gets me exhausted! That’s why the DishQuo app was created. We want to make healthy living easier. DishQuo makes eating healthier more convenient. We can even save you time and money. When you make a habit easier to accomplish, you make it less of a barrier to climb consistently.”

2. Make It Enjoyable

“Enjoyment is a major key for building habits you want. It may seem obvious, but it’s often overlooked, especially with health goals. You are absolutely less likely to continue doing something if you don’t like doing it. Set yourself up for success by making your journey enjoyable.

For example, if you want to start exercising, but hate running, don’t do it. Find something you enjoy. Maybe cycling or yoga is more your speed. Don’t feel pressured to run just because it worked for someone else. Personally I’m not a big fan of running, but I love boxing classes and incorporate it into my fitness routine. 

When changing your eating habits, pick foods you enjoy and recipes you like. Building a meal plan around your specific preferences, needs and likes and then sticking to it makes the repetition that builds the habit easier. DishQuo is made to help you do just that. Our simple meal planning app lets you choose your specific preferences and cuisines. Favorite recipes can even be saved and repeated. At DishQuo, we make healthy eating enjoyable.”

3. Build Habits Gradually

“One thing people do at the beginning of the year is load up a ton of different habits. They get excited, but end up overwhelmed. This leads to inaction. It takes 14 consecutive days to perform a new ritual resulting in a new habit formed. Knowing this, start small, stay focused and add habits gradually. ‘Successful people are simply those with successful habits.’ said Brian Tracy. That’s something I really believe to be true.”

4. Reward Yourself

Reward Yourself

“Rewarding myself has played a big part in my own journey. Even after accomplishing the smallest steps, reward yourself. Positive reinforcement is a powerful momentum builder.  Don’t wait until 4 weeks to congratulate yourself. Just being 4 days in, or 4 meals into the journey of eating healthy deserves to be recognized. As you use the DishQuo app and track your progress, you’ll be rewarded with gift certificates to some of your favorite brands through our Healthy Habits Program.

Set clear short term milestones to reward yourself early in the journey. From the beginning, think of a few ways you can reward yourself. Keep it simple. Just be sure to recognize and reward yourself along the way.”

Transform your health for good with DishQuo. No planning, no counting and no grocery shopping needed – we take care of all of that for you. Custom meal plans designed specifically for your needs and likes.

DishQuo offers a free, no commitment 2 week trial. Experience the enjoyment, ease and rewards as you move forward on building new habits in 2022.


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