10 Ways To Prioritize Your Health In The New Year

by | Jan 11, 2022

A new year is fresh with hope of what’s to come and what will be better than before. Historian Thomas Carlyle said, He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.”  Prioritize your health to gain strength and endurance to do all you’re planning to do in 2022

According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, over 80% of us are deficient in vegetables, fruits and dairy. Only 2.7% of Americans have a “healthy lifestyle”. What is a “healthy lifestyle”? One that includes regular physical activity, a healthy diet, no smoking and a healthy body fat level. We can do better.  

Transform your health with DishQuo. DishQuo is a science based meal planner that helps you achieve the healthy lifestyle you want. Living a healthy lifestyle is a combination of many habits. Start with one and incorporate it into your lifestyle. Once it’s second nature, add another.  You’ll gain momentum, confidence and energy. Here are 10 ways you can prioritize your health in the new year. 

Health in the New Year

1. Eat Healthy

The simple meal planning app, DishQuo, provides a customized, sustainable and convenient plan for anyone looking to lose weight, eat whole foods or manage diabetes. DishQuo is not a restrictive diet that excludes entire food groups. Rather it provides nutrient dense recipes, made from real food that keep your blood sugar balanced and your stomach satisfied.  

Changing your diet can be a lot of work. DishQuo does the heavy lifting for you.  You’ll have a personalized meal plan and grocery list that syncs to your food delivery app bringing everything to your front door.  Even better, your first two weeks are free.

2. Be Active

The CDC recommends 150 minutes of activity a week. It may seem like a big number, but it’s doable. Break it down to 30 minutes, 5 days a week. If that’s still overwhelming, start with just 15 minutes, 5 days a week. There’s a good chance, most of us spend at least that much time scrolling our phone. Taking just 15 minutes a day to be active increases our energy, circulation and improves sleep.  

Choose an activity you enjoy. Try different things until you’ve found the right fit. From walking to swimming and from yoga to tai chi and everything in between, there are numerous ways to get activity time in. Inviting a friend or family member to join you helps you stay accountable and makes it enjoyable. If you’re interested in joining a gym or fitness studio, many have promotions and specials in the new year you can take advantage of.  

3. Healthy Body Fat

A healthy body fat percentage in men is 2-24% and 10-31% for women. Having too much body fat puts you at risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and some cancers. Too little body fat isn’t better. Not having enough fat can lead to hormone disruption, fertility issues in women and glucose regulation. Staying active and applying a healthful, whole foods based diet are two of the best ways to achieve a healthy body fat level.

4. Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking has short and long term effects. In just 8 hours, your lung capacity and oxygen levels improve. Quitting reduces your chances of cancer and heart disease. Externally, you’ll regain healthy skin, hair and nails from increased blood flow. Finding support to quit is important.  Look into local support groups and speak with your doctor about how to drastically improve your health by quitting.

5. Be Mindful

Mindfulness is the practice of being aware and fully present in the moment. Practice mindfulness with meditation, journaling, deep breathing and yoga. The Mayo Clinic encourages mindfulness activities to reduce stress, improve sleep and reduce depression, anxiety and pain.  

New year’s resolutions often involve a lot of pl;anning, organizing, increased effort and time management. However, our mind is at it’s best when balanced with peace and rest. Practicing mindfulness helps us achieve our goals by increasing our attention and decreasing burnout. Just take 5-10 minutes a day to gain the benefits.

6. Go Outside

Baby, it’s cold outside. Even in the winter, fresh air and vitamin D builds our health. Bundle up with hats, scarves and gloves to stay warm. Step outside on a sunny, winter day for a dose of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is common during winter months. Studies have shown it can contribute to a variety of health issues including depression, type 1 diabetes, certain cancers and autoimmune diseases. When a sunny day comes, take advantage. Even in low temperatures, be sure to apply sunscreen to any exposed areas.     

7. Sleep

Prioritizing sleep goes a long way in improving your health.  Just slightly reduced sleep can lead to weight gain, muscle loss and diminished decision making.  

Create a bedtime routine to help your body wind down. Cut off electronics at least 30 minutes before bed and cease caffeine intake by noon. Enjoy a cup of calming tea, take a bath or read a relaxing book. Adding in just a small amount of daily physical activity can improve sleep quality later in the day.

8. Have Fun

Fun is overlooked as a healthy habit. Spend time and reflect on what activities bring you joy.  Focus on small things you can incorporate weekly. Hobbies like reading, puzzles, fishing and crafting can be simple ways to increase your enjoyment and reduce stress. We often kick off the new year with a robust list of all we want to achieve, but remember to make time for rest and renewal.

9. Drink Less Caffeine

Finding the right amount of caffeine intake varies for each person. Some of us are more sensitive than others depending on how our body metabolizes it.  The FDA states that 400 mg is a healthy amount for most adults. That equates to 4 -5 cups of coffee. Negative side effects, even at that amount can cause anxiety, heart racing and poor sleep. If you struggle with quality sleep, reducing caffeine is something to consider. Cut back gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

10. Connect with Family and Friends

Social distancing has taken a toll on our health.  We’ve seen increased rates of depression and anxiety from being isolated from loved ones.  Finding ways to connect safely, either in person or digitally boost our wellbeing in so many ways.  When we feel connected to those around us, we experience support to make many of these healthy habits a part of our life. Make an active effort to connect with those in your life that bring you love and joy. 

Improve your health with any and all of these tips.  Start small and be consistent. Celebrate the wins and pick yourself up if you have a setback.  Your health affects every area of life and making even one of these changes is worth it.  

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